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Johnson & Congress Betray The People & The Constitution Once Again! (Video)

By Tim Brown 


House Speaker Mike Johnson is giving evidence more and more each day that he is not what people think he is.  He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Now, he and Congress have, once again, betrayed the US Constitution and the People by passing the latest National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows for illegal spying on American citizens, in clear violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Daniel McAdams pointed out on December 14, 2023:

The US House this morning joined the Senate in approving the massive, trillion dollar National Defense Authorization Act where Congressional leadership snuck in authorization for the government to continue to illegally spy on US citizens not suspected or accused of any crime! In the House, Speaker Johnson only passed the bill with the assistance of Democrats – a move that cost his predecessor his job. Will Johnson suffer a backlash for betraying his promises?

Former Texas congressman Ron Paul has more on this treason against the People.



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