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Journalist DISAPPEARED After FBI Raided His Home Seeking Classified Info



It sounds like something out of Iron Curtain Eastern Europe or a movie: Government agents raid a journalist’s home and seize information from him.

Then he disappears — and even months later, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances have no idea where he is.

Except that this just happened in real life, this year, in these United States. As the Independent reports:

Acclaimed national security reporter James Gordon Meek hasn’t been seen since an April FBI raid on his apartment just outside of Washington, DC.

Former colleagues at ABC News, a co-author on his forthcoming book, and even his neighbours say they have no idea where the documentary producer has been.

The worrying disappearance raises questions over whether the Biden administration has targeted or arrested the journalist, a major test of the president, who made a point last year to put new safeguards in place protecting reporters during leak investigations.

…Anonymous sources familiar with the operation told Rolling Stone the reporter was suspected of possessing classified material on his laptop, something not out of the realm of possibility for a national security reporter.

As for Rolling Stone, it opened its piece on Meek writing, “AT A MINUTE before 5 a.m. on April 27, ABC News’ James Gordon Meek fired off a tweet with a single word: ‘FACTS.’” Here’s another fact, too:

Meek’s home would be raided later that very morning. (Tweet is below.)



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