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Journalists and Twitter Falsely Accuse GOP Congresswoman of Voting Against COVID Small Business Relief Bill She Introduced This Month

By Kristinn Taylor

Freshman Florida Republican Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar celebrated a win for small businesses this week with a press release announcing the Biden administration had made policy a bipartisan COVID relief law she introduced this month extending for another year loan protections on repayments of loans due to the ongoing pandemic. Salazar’s bill was not an amendment to the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan passed this month without her support, but was a stand alone bill. The bill, H.R. 1533, had not progressed to a vote in the House when it was made policy by the Small Business Administration.

Press release:

The Biden Administration has just implemented Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar’s (FL-27) COVID relief bill as part of Small Business Administration (SBA) policy.

On March 3rd, 2021, Congresswoman Salazar (FL-27) and Congresswoman Sharice Davids (KS-03) introduced the COVID Economic Injury Disaster Loan Relief Act (H.R. 1533) This bipartisan bill would extend the time to repay Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) loans, taken in response to COVID-19, for an extra year since the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing.

“Many of our local job creators applied for EIDL loans at the beginning of the outbreak and yet the pandemic has continued to take a devastating toll on our small businesses,” said Congresswoman Salazar. “We cannot force our struggling small business owners to repay these loans at a time when many are barely able to keep their doors open. I am so proud that my bipartisan legislation has officially become SBA policy.”

Currently, EIDL loan recipients must start paying their loans back after 1 year. When business owners initially drew these loans in response to the COVID-19 disaster, no one anticipated that we would still be facing a global pandemic a year later. Now the first payments of many loan recipients are due in March and April of 2021, but many local job creators have not been able to grow or recover while the pandemic is still raging. This extension is critical so that small business owners who took out a loan during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic do not have to start making payments until at least 2022.

Congresswoman Salazar represents Florida’s beautiful 27th Congressional district which includes most of the City of Miami, its suburbs, and the beaches. She currently serves on the Small Business Committee and the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Link to March 3 press release announcing H.R. 1533.

Soledad O’Brien, “You voted against it, lady. I hope all your constituents remember that!”


Chris Cuomo, “Then why did this rep vote against the relief bill?”


Ted Lieu, “Dear @RepMariaSalazar: You voted against it. You voted NO on your own legislation. But thanks for highlighting some of the great small business provisions in the #AmericanRescuePlan, which every Republican Member of Congress opposed.”


MSNBC analyst Fernand Amandi used a little Spanish lingo gutter insult calling her a lying woman, “YOU VOTED AGAINST IT
and so did every single other Republican in the entire Congress. @RepMariaSalazar es mentirosa.”


Twitter Trends, “Many point out that Rep. MarĂ­a Elvira Salazar voted against the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, after she called it ‘my bipartisan relief bill’”

Salazar, herself a former reporter, responded Sunday afternoon to Cuomo and O’Brien, saying, “Journalist to journalist, This has nothing to do with the $1.9T Blue State Bailout. It is a bipartisan policy I introduced separately that was adopted by SBA. You want to talk about anything else other than how NY & CA were rewarded but Florida was punished for OPENING for biz!”


The lie was picked up the leftist site Alternet:


The lies big and small from the media and Big Tech always seem to go one way.



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