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Jovan Pulitzer: “Return Snipers Did NOT Kill Him” — “There Was A Second Malvo Shooter!”



This is an absolute bombshell report and interview….and for those of you who know me, I don’t throw that word around very often because I like it to retain it’s meaning and impact.

So I had Jovan Pulitzer back on my show today to discuss a full forensic audit of the Trump shooting.

There’s no one better out there to conduct a forensic audit than Jovan, and those of you who know him know that to be true.

The man leaves NO stone unturned and he thinks outside the box most people think in.

So I was fascinated to hear what he had to say about everything….and absolutely blown away by some of his early conclusions.

First up, while I had him I got his quick thoughts on Vice President JD Vance and while I won’t go into those in this article, I’ll say they very closely matched mine — and even my process for coming to the same conclusions.  So that was nice to see.

Ok now to the shooting….

The first thing I wanted to get off the table quickly was whether or not it was possible this was staged in any way by Team Trump.  A “sympathy shooting”.

Jovan quickly put that to bed with a firm no.

You can listen to the interview to hear exactly why, but I agree 100%.

So then we started talking about the “Balance of Possibilities” and applying Occam’s Razor to come to a theory of what likely happened here.

Jovan says in situations like this he likes to find the “Second Right Answer” meaning (I think) that the answer they give you at first, and the narrative they try to sell you, likely isn’t the truth.

So in this case, that means the 20 year old kid being the shooter, and being noticed by people in the crowd, and even confronted by police at one point, and now dead so case closed — that probably isn’t the right answer.

So what is?

Basically, this….


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