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Judge Imposes Gag Order on Trump’s Lawyers

How long until there’s a gag order on half the country?

So far we’ve had Judge Chutkan impose a gag order to keep Trump from criticizing her and her people, and now we have another judge who decided to impose a gag order on Trump’s lawyers.

At this rate how long until there’s a gag order on half the country?

A New York judge ruled Friday that a limited gag order on Donald Trump should also apply to his attorneys, citing their remarks about his staff and the deluge of threats and harassment directed at his office since the former president’s fraud trial began.

“The threat of, and actual, violence resulting from heated political rhetoric is well-documented,” Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron wrote in a fiery court order Friday afternoon.

Innovatively, this is a gag order prohibiting pointing out shady behavior by the judge.

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