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Judge Lynn Norton Just Intentionally Broke the Law, Proving That She is Biased and Malicious and Unfit to Preside Over Our Case

by Diego Rodriguez


Today, Judge Lynn Norton, issued a warrant of attachment for the arrest of Ammon Bundy. It is hard to explain just how unbelievably wicked of an action this is. But first let me just demonstrate to you how Judge Norton’s actions today were wholly illegal and demonstrate that she is acting with malice against Ammon and is disobeying the Idaho rules of Civil Procedure—the rules that directly and specifically GOVERN her.

The first thing you have to understand is that there are generally two categories of lawsuits: criminal and civil. A criminal lawsuit is one where a defendant is being accused of an actual crime. A civil lawsuit is when a defendant is being accused of having wronged the plaintiff in some manner and therefore has to make amends, which generally speaking, ends up being some form of monetary payment. So, if you are a defendant in a civil case, the very worst thing that can happen to you is that you can have a judgment against you requiring you to pay a specified sum of money to the plaintiff (the person accusing you).

This means that the very worst outcome for a defendant in a civil case is to ultimately be in debt to the plaintiff. However, the Idaho State Constitution prohibits imprisonment for debt, except in the case of fraud…




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One Comment

  1. Ventriloquist Kriket Ventriloquist Kriket April 19, 2023

    “According to the Idaho Dispatch, who was present in the courtroom at the time the warrant was issued, ‘The purpose of the arrest is to force Bundy to attend an arraignment hearing and to participate in the court proceedings of the case, including the hearing for contempt. The arrest warrant includes a $10,000 bond.’ ”

    Poor Bumdy. An arraignment is personal right of defendant, which he can waive. Participating in the proceedings including contempt hearing he can waive. The $10,000 bond he can waive, as the bond stands good for appearance. The writer of the article is correct, Judge should not have arrested the defendant, rather should entered judgment by default. Idaho State Constitution prohibits imprisonment for debt, except in the case of fraud, and apparently Bundy didn’t commit fraud. The Judge is a fraud, because violated his/her/their oath to uphold the law, if took such an oath.

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