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JUST IN: List Of Potential Harris VP Picks Has Been Revealed

By Cullen McCue


Vice President Kamala Harris is already looking at a list of potential running mate’s of her own if she does indeed secure the Democratic Party nomination for president at the party’s convention next month.

CNN’s Jamie Gangel reported that President Biden’s decision to step aside came as a surprise to Harris. The president had been adamant both publicly, and reportedly privately that he intended to stay in the race as late as Friday night. The president reportedly “changed his mind” on Saturday, however.

“And the first thing I’m told that they’re looking at is logistics. They have a campaign to put together. She has to see, as Phil was talking about earlier, whether anyone’s going to challenge her,” Gangel reported.

“The other thing is simply, you know, how does she get her name on the ballot? Yes, she is part of this infrastructure with the campaign and the convention, but this is a whole new game.”

Gangel, citing multiple sources close to the vice president, further reported that Harris is reviewing a list of potential running mates in order to consolidate support around her candidacy and generate excitement…


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