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Kabbalah’s 666 Plan to Usher in their Messiah The Tree of Deception

By Mysteries Babylon Exposed


The Tree of Deception
Part 1

“In the sixth hundreth year of the sixth millennium (5600 = 1840 C.E.) the gates of wisdom above [Kabbalah] together with the wellsprings of wisdom below [science] will be opened up, and the world will prepare to usher in the seventh millennium.” (Kabbalah book – VaYeira 117a)

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A lot of deception crept into Christianity in the 1,800’s. Many new religious movements formed who were anticipating the arrival of the Messiah. Starting with the Irvingites, then the Millerites, who later morphed into the Seventh Day Adventists. Also out of that era branched quasi-Christian cults like the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons that contained elements of Freemasonry (which is based on Kabbalism). Then the very subtle Premillennial Dispensational movement also emerged during that time with teachers like John Nelson Darby. But it was Cyrus Scofield, who was funded by Zionist Jews, that made Dispensational teachings pretty much standard in Christian circles.  What is a common element in all these movements? They are all tainted with the infiltration of Kabbalism.  

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Theodore Herzl (pictured here), and the Rothschilds first approached the current Pope at the time – Pope Pius X, who immediately rejected facilitating the Zionist takeover of Palestine. The Rothschilds who were after seizing the land of Palestine, knew that they had to get the Protestant churches on board with their agenda. So they recruited a non Jew Christian ‘theologian’ called C I Scofield to convince the Protestant Churches that the Jews must retake the promised land to fulfill prophecy.  The target was to infiltrate Protestant Christianity by creating their own ‘Bible’.

Connecting some of the dots in the timeline of a twenty year period from 1897 with the first Zionist International Congress in Switzerland to 1917 with the Balfour Declaration- opens up a bigger picture. 

Four years after the Zionist Congress in 1897, in 1901 the powerful Zionist Samuel Untermyer funded C I Scofield to write his reference ‘bible’. Untermyer also approved Scofield’s membership into an exclusive club for the financial and literary elite called ‘The Lotos Club‘. Its members were atheists, communists, eugenicists, and people that normally a ‘Christian theologian and pastor’ would never have anything to do with.

In 1904 Theodore Herzl along with the Rothschilds approached the Pope as I have noted above. The Pope rejected them. Then in 1909 the first edition of the Scofield Reference ‘bible’ was printed just 4 years after the first International Zionist Congress.

In 1913 The Federal Reserve Privatized Central Bank was founded. Samuel Untermyer was deeply involved in the founding of the Federal Reserve as well as a man named Edward Mandell House, a committed Globalist.

In 1917 The Balfour Declaration was written to the Rothschilds from the British Government promising the Jews a national home as well as promising the existing native population with equality in all areas which of course has never happened. Jacob Shiff and Bernard Baruch two very powerful Zionist oligarchs were not only some of the ones who funded the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 they also funded C I Scofield’s Reference ‘Bible’.

This was the twenty-year timeline with some very significant events. It was also in 1917 that millions of copies of the Scofield Reference ‘bible’ were printed by the Oxford University Press which was run by staunch Zionists and Fabian Socialists.

Now I digress, let’s continue to show the Kabbalah’s plan to bring about their Messiah.  They have kept Kabbalah hidden, so let’s first get acquainted with what they teach.

According to Orthodox or Hasidic Judaism, there are four levels of interpreting the Bible.

1. P’shat – surface or plain meaning

2. Remez – what is implied below the surface

3. Drash – to dig deeper while focusing on the writings of the sages

4. Sod – secret, hidden esoteric meaning

Kabbalah is considered the “Sod”, the secret, hidden meaning.

The name of their Messiah is Metatron.  Below is a quote from Kabbalistic literature to give you some idea of how they view this entity.  It sounds strangely like the Jehovah’s Witnesses “Jesus” as they consider him “Michael the Archangel”.  Perhaps this is where JW founder Charles Taze Russell, got the idea.

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And Metatron the Messenger continued and he said to me, I am Metatron, Star Hapanim, and Michael is my name. He has placed me to be among his people whom he loves. I am the one who was with Avraham… I am the one who redeemed Yitzhak and the one who fought with Yaacov. I am the one who guided Israel in the desert for forty years…” (Sefer Hayovel)

p. 240 The Return of the Kosher Pig, Itzhak Shapira.

“And the hearld went forth into every Heaven, saying: “This is Metatron, my servant. I have made him into a prince and a ruler over all the princes of my kingdoms and over all the presence and you shall speak to him now instead of me.” (Advent of “Lesser YHVH”). III Enoch

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