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Kellogg’s CEO Tells Poor Americans To Eat Cereal For Dinner

By Jacob M. Thompson

Let them eat flakes!

Having a hard time putting dinner on the table? Not to worry, Kellogg’s CEO Gary Pilnick encourages Americans to eat cereal for dinner instead.

For well over a year now the food conglomerate has been running an advertising campaign called “Cereal For Dinner,” that promotes eating cereal as not only a cheaper option, but is more exciting and faster than preparing an actual traditional dinner meal.

The 15-second ad, first published on August, 2022, Kellogg’s commercial promoting this new habit has received over 100 million views on YouTube alone, not even counting other social media platforms, and cable and streaming networks.

The description reads: “If you’re tired of cooking chicken over and over (and the kids are bored of eating it) we’ve got something you’ll want to try. Scratch that – NEED to try. Turn off the stove, pop open the pantry and pour your favorite Kellogg’s® cereal for dinner!”

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