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Khodakovsky: The West is going crazy, spreading hysteria about the threat from Russia

By Top War


Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the DPR, Alexander Khodakovsky, noted that the leadership of the countries of the collective West is gradually going crazy, spreading hysteria about the supposedly growing threat from Russia. In the press of various Western countries, citing government sources, statements appear with enviable regularity about the existence of a threat to NATO countries emanating from Russia. In this way, public opinion is being prepared for the next round of the ongoing build-up of military potential.

At the same time, the process is not limited to loud statements alone: ​​Washington plans to deploy a certain number of nuclear weapons on British territory, allegedly as an additional tool to deter the “Russian threat.”

Khodakovsky added that, despite the fact that, on the one hand, it is pleasant that our country is so highly regarded – there is a certain pleasure in instilling fear in enemies, but at the same time it is still curious what the ongoing special operation of the Russian army showed them in Ukraine, which raises fears in the West that they could be next in the near future?

Despite the fact that the Russian nuclear arsenal is the largest in the world, any sane person realizes that Russia will never be the first to launch a nuclear strike…


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