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Kindergarten Assistant At Northern Indiana School Moonlights As Drag Queen

By Jacob M. Thompson

Last year a special education assistant at a northern Indiana elementary school was let go soon after the school year began, after an investigative report discovered that the teacher performed as a hyper-sexualized drag queen.

Uncovered by a series of exclusive reports by Real News Michiana (RNM), Dominic Dallich was listed as an Education Assistant at Northpoint Elementary School, in Granger, Indiana, apart of the much larger Penn-Harris-Madison (PHM) School Corporation. Dallich’s job was to work with children with disabilities, in this case as young as kindergarten.

In their investigation RNM discovered that Dallich frequently moonlights as a drag queen, going by the stage name Paulie Pocket, a play on the name of a popular children’s doll for girls. Dallich would perform at Dockside Nightclub in South Bend on a number occassions. RNM provided a number of examples of Dallich’s drag yanked from his social media accounts.

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