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Know Thy Enemy


If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed – Mark Twain.

The year 2024 is notable for the elections taking place in sixty nations with half the world’s population and possibly being the inflection point for the planet which finds itself in the midst of a hybrid physical and psychological war that the globalist elite are waging on humanity, as evidenced by rising poverty and a drop in life expectancy and IQ levels for the first time in history.

The Media Spinmeisters

It is often said that the first casualty of war is the truth, and the incessant barrage of propaganda makes it a challenge to identify politicians who are willing to resist the globalist agenda. Something akin to the military’s IFF system – Identification Friend or Foe – would be useful for detecting the brave souls prepared to wade into the shark-infested political waters to fight for team humanity and forgo the riches offered by the globalists. Fortunately, a simple yet foolproof method is available – the MSM litmus test: any candidate receiving overwhelmingly positive media coverage belongs to the enemy camp.

In ‘The illusion of choice and objectivity‘, Nickie Louise describes the elite class that controls the media and our perception of the world:

“Elite is a word we use in our daily conversations but few people probably know the origin and the history of the word. Elites are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in society. This elite class, which also includes the Big Tech companies, now controls what we read, watch, or listen to.”

Teddy H. White’s book ‘The Making of the President 1972‘ reveals the media’s stranglehold on political discourse:

“The power of the press in America is a primordial one. It sets the agenda of public discussion, and this sweeping political power is unrestrained by any law…


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