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Latest Survey Shows the Covid Vaccines Are a Disaster: ~750,000 Dead in US

By Steve Kirsch
Steve’s Kirsch newsletter


Executive summary

Our latest poll is devastating for the official narrative:

  1. a 6.6% rate of heart injury (>10M Americans)
  2. 2.7% are unable to work after being vaccinated (>5M Americans),
  3. 6.3% had to be hospitalized (>10M Americans)
  4. you were more likely to die from COVID if you’ve taken the vaccine.
  5. Almost as many (77.4%) households lost someone from the vaccines as from COVID. If you believe that 1M people in the US have died from COVID, then this survey indicates that ~750,000 people died from the vaccine (10.18/13.15*1M) with a 95% confidence of at least 600,000 deaths.

The error bar computation on each question is here.

We will be re-running this with a 5,000 sample size soon which will have smaller error bars. But the key point is that even if we choose the most conservative data points, the survey results are inconsistent with the “safe and effective” narrative.

For example, the CDC hasn’t found anyone who has died from the mRNA vaccines and our survey shows at least 600,000 people have died. That’s a big gap. Someone isn’t telling you the truth. Why do we get such a high number every time we run our poll to a different audience?

Anyone can run our poll for $500 if you don’t believe us. I predict nobody in mainstream media will touch this because they don’t want to know the truth.

This is a poll that nobody who is pro-vaccine wants you to see.



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