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Laura Ingraham: Left’s indoctrination tactics have parental rights, Judeo-Christian values under siege

By  Joshua Comins

The ‘Ingraham Angle’ host was reacting after a teachers union leader vowed to defend members in the critical race theory fight

Surrounded by what she described as concerted efforts to eradicate American exceptionalism, Fox News host Laura Ingraham dropped the hammer on the Left’s attempts to attack parental rights on Thursday’s “The Ingraham Angle.”

“Forces are working overtime to undermine parental rights and their Judeo-Christian values,” Ingraham claimed during the show’s monologue segment.

“It’s often said that the children are our future, and of course that’s exactly why the Left wants to take them from parents who don’t buy into their twisted agenda,” she continued.

Ingraham was reacting after Randi Weingarten, head of the nation’s second-largest teachers union, vowed to defend members in the critical race theory fight, citing the union’s support to teach “honest history.”

“From teachers unions to gender activists, to Biden’s vaccine pushers,” a joint effort is actively being pursued to indoctrinate children into a “dark mindset of anti-Americanism,” Ingraham claimed.

“This new normal requires the undermining of American history. 
 it involves teaching concepts directly at odds with the ideal of the nuclear family” she added.

In recent weeks, parents have presented critical race theory concerns during school district board meetings as a means to address the controversial academic curriculum.

Connecticut parents threatened to sue over a new law that requires K-12 students to be vaccinated even if it violates parents’ religious beliefs. Gov. Ned Lamont, a Democrat, signed the legislation into law April 28, updating the schools’ immunization requirements. The new law will erase the state’s religious exemption beginning Sept. 1, 2022.

Last fall, Washington D.C., approved a bill allowing kids as young as 11 to get vaccinated without parental knowledge or consent.

Ingraham went on to contend that Alabama allows 14-year-olds to get the vaccine without parental consent, Oregon allows 15-year-olds to get it, and Rhode Island and South Carolina youths can get it at 16.

“None of these states allow tattoos for those under 18 without parental permission, but they’re allowing minors to get an experimental drug?” Ingraham said.

“Conversations that are best left between parents and their children are being short-circuited in states like California and New York,” she added.

One of New York’s fanciest schools, said Ingraham, teaches “first-graders about masturbation.”

Ingraham slammed left-wing “educrats” whom she said “relish pushing the sexual envelope and redefining gender.” The host insisted these liberals have no regard for “parental boundaries.”


“Totalitarian societies depend on propagandizing – and their leaders ruthlessly enforce its dissemination,” Ingraham said. “We can’t afford to give our would-be cultural totalitarians four more weeks with our kids, let alone four more years.”

Then she quoted Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, who once declared, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”





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