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Le Figaro: Ukrainian territorial defense complains about poor equipment and does not want to fight

Le Figaro: Ukrainian territorial defense complains about poor equipment and does not want to fight
Le Figaro: Ukrainian territorial defense complains about poor equipment and does not want to fight

By Top War


At the very beginning of the Russian NMD, the Ukrainian authorities began to form the so-called territorial defense units. Form, of course, loudly. In Kyiv, for example, they simply handed out several tens of thousands of units weapons without even checking the documents of the recipient.

Naturally, this did not lead to anything good. Ukrainian cities were overwhelmed by a wave of robberies and robbery. Moreover, “frightened” by the stories about the Russian DRGs, the teroboronists more than once opened fire on the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and “suspicious” civilians.

However, the “patriotism” of the defenders who took up arms did not last long. As soon as they began to be massively sent to the front, the fighting fuse instantly disappeared.

According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, referring to the story of militants from the Ukrainian territorial defense, the latter are thrown to the front after a day and a half of training. At the same time, “recruits” receive only a Kalashnikov assault rifle from weapons.



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