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Leaked Video Reveals Black Democrat Senate Candidate’s Extreme Racism, ‘Treat White People Like Sh*t’


Video and audio show a U.S. Senate candidate and current South Carolina state representative embracing anti-white racism.

Rep. Krystle Matthews, who is Black, made shocking comments when she argued white people should be treated “like sh*t.”

Matthews told a Project Veritas reporter how treating white people like sh*t will make them respect her more: “My district is slightly Republican, and it’s heavily white. I’m no stranger to white people, I’m from mostly white town. And let me tell you one thing. You ought to know who you’re dealing with, like you gotta treat them [white people] like sh*t, like I mean, that’s the only way they’ll respect you.”…

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One Comment

  1. Hadrian alexander Hadrian alexander September 10, 2022

    K huh nt

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