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Left ‘to Rot’: Scottish Man Who Confronted UK Prime Minister on Live TV Shares Vaccine Injury Story

By John-Michael Dumais


John Watt, the Scottish man who confronted the British prime minister on live TV about the government leaving him and other COVID-19 vaccine-injured “to rot,” last week shared his story with internet lecturer John Campbell, Ph.D.

In February 2020, Watt, a 34-year-old professional carpenter and fitness junkie, developed a severe respiratory illness with cardiac symptoms, including chest pain and elevated troponin levels.

He was hospitalized and diagnosed with a heart attack despite having normal cardiograms.

“You’ve got an athlete’s heart,” the doctors told Watt, who assured him he would be fine. But they gave him a stent and put him on a cocktail of drugs, which only made him feel worse, he told Campbell.

Over the next several months, Watt suffered panic attacks, neurological issues and post-traumatic stress disorder-like symptoms.

He received minimal help from National Health Service (NHS) doctors. They sent him to a psychologist who diagnosed him with “health anxiety” related to his ongoing heart symptoms…


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