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Left-Wing Journalist Seems to Claim He Was Attacked at CPAC

by JD Washington

Dallas, TX — This weekend, the CPAC Texas event has been taking place. The event is normally a large collection of conservative speakers who attempt to rally their supporters. This time, another event seems to be catching some attention.

Several left-wing reporters have decided to attend the event in order to continue the radical-left media’s attacks on conservatives. One of those is Zachary Petrizzo of Salon. Zachary has made fun of conservative media outlets saying they “claim to be members of the press” and seems to be making his claim to fame on attending conservative events.

On Sunday morning, he sent out this tweet talking about OathKeeper affiliates threatening him as he walked around and that they were given a pass by event organizers.

Perhaps now is a good time to say that there is no record of Petrizzo covering or acknowledging the attacks on journalist Andy Ngo. It seems that Petrizzo, like anyone else on the radical left, believes that to be a member of the press and receive the benefits of such, you can only be someone of the radical left and promoting their ideas and values.

When you look at other coverage of the CPAC event, you see that Petrizzo certainly does not seem to be under any threat like that of Ngo. Ngo has had people outside his hotel room asking to have him come out so they can kill him. Others have said that if they see him they will kill him.

But there’s a different perspective with Petrizzo in the video below. The Blaze attempted to ask him a question, which he refused to answer. Petrizzo wants to be treated like a journalist, but as is typical with the mainstream media, he has an issue with questions being asked. It was a simple question he was asked.

You can certainly see from the video that Petrizzo is not surrounded by OathKeepers, Proud Boys, or anyone else threatening his life. He wants to say that attacks on journalists are a huge issue, but nothing about this video seems to be any indication that Petrizzo’s life is in danger.

Let’s contrast the real issue here. The radical left media, like Petrizzo, is making a big deal about the CPAC event, where no violence has been reported. They continue to push the focus on the January 6th events in Washington, but he wants to refuse to talk about the Black Lives Matter riots and Antifa violence across the country.

So Petrizzo and the radical left want you to believe the video above is violence against the media and should not be happening. Here’s one video that Petrizzo shared of Nick Fuentes. He shares how Fuentes is a white nationalist and that CPAC should not be allowing these people to attend the event and should kick them out. It’s worth noting that Fuentes was kicked out by CPAC organizers. Pay close attention to the violence in this video.

Now check out the violence in this video. This is from Los Angeles last weekend. Do you see the difference?

Or what about the assault that Ngo faced. It wasn’t just talk, it was actual acts. Nothing from Petrizzo about either of these events.

There’s a clear difference in the story being told by left-wing radical journalists like Petrizzo. He wants to claim assault, harassment, violence, and unsafe conditions. Real reporters are actually in the middle of the violence bringing the true story that the mainstream media and their left-wing radical “journalists” want to ignore.

Petrizzo was not assaulted or injured at CPAC. No other journalist was as well. Sure, there were some people there at the event who I may not agree with their ideas or values, but that does not mean that the entire event was full of evil. Well, that is unless you look at it from the radical left point of view. If that’s the case, everything conservative is evil and full of nothing but racism and white supremacy.

The truth is, the violence in the country right now is not being perpetrated by white supremacists and racism as the mainstream media would like you to believe. The evidence continues to show the violence and divide in our country is being caused by a radical left that refuses to report the truth. Left-wing groups, like Antifa and BLM, continue to be the cause of more violence and destruction across the country.

The mainstream media and their radical-left “journalists” continue to ignore it. They act like it doesn’t exist and never happened. Just like Petrizzo, they want to walk by claiming they do not see or know anything that is happening. Good thing for our nation that there are still some real journalists that are not afraid to go report the truth and refuse to ignore real questions.

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