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Leftist Group Issues Its Number 666 and Finds There’s Hell to Pay

by Selwyn Duke

If a Christian group launched a fund-raising appeal and caught hell from its members after announcing that its average donation was $6.66, the leftist mockery would be intense. But it turns out that the Women’s March has its own “number of the devil” (though its Beelzebubs are relative and subject to change without notice). It learned this after trying desperately to raise money and informing that you don’t have to give much but that, as a guide, their average donation is currently $14.92.

If you don’t see the problem, you’re normal (though maybe not attuned to our societal devolution). But instead of saying “The average gift is fourteen dollars, 92 cents,” say “The average gift is fourteen-ninety-two” and the issue may become clear.

Yes, in 1492, Columbus assailed the land of the Sioux (sort of) — in the leftist way of “thinking.”


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