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‘Let Us Worship’ pastor calls for Christian revival amid COVID-19 lockdowns

By Rebekah Roberts

‘Do we fear God or do we fear man? Are we willing to take a stand to break the rules to honor God?’
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(LifeSiteNews) – In an exclusive video interview, Let Us Worship pastor Sean Feucht speaks with LifeSite’s Lisa Stover about a movement that is making a splash all across America amid lockdowns and various coronavirus restrictions.

What started out with 400 on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California grew to 1,000 on Huntington Beach. A couple of days later, there were 5,000 gathered to worship Our Savior on the beach in San Diego. There have been over 50 gatherings since, in cities of strive, calamity, and riots. Feucht and his team felt the call to go into these places to simply bring the hope of the Gospel message.

Feucht shares that religious freedom is at stake in America, and he doesn’t say that lightly. The leaders he’s connected to in North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, and China are concerned. “I’m alarmed because they’re alarmed,” Feucht shares. These pastors and leaders in other nations around the world are saying this is how it all started in Russia, in China.

“It starts with a slow chipping away” at freedom and the Church simply has to wake up in this season.

“Do we fear God or do we fear man? Are we willing to take a stand to break the rules to honor God?…It’s not time for us to stop now.”

He shared that Americans have the United States Constitution and First Amendment to protect them; we are guaranteed the right to peaceably assemble regardless of what’s happening. “We simply have to fight to maintain these freedoms. If we become lazy, they will be chipped away.”

The Let Us Worship team’s prayer is that their gatherings would “start a movement of boldness and courage across America.” Feucht shares that his children will look back on 2020 and remember revival, worship, prayer, and people coming to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Feucht closes his interview with Stover by encouraging every Christian to remain hopeful and faithful in this time: “There’s a story God’s writing and we can plug into that. Get into the Word of God and gather with other believers who carry hope.”

Learn more about upcoming Let Us Worship events HERE.

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