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Letter to the American Church | Documentary

From New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas comes a riveting new film challenging audiences to take a stand, speak out, and take action in the face of evil. “Letter to the American Church” is a documentary adaptation of Metaxas latest book of the same name.

Eric guides audiences through the striking similarities between the church in Hitler’s early 1930’s Nazi Germany, the political regimes of Mao and Stalin, and modern day America and her church. The historical and present parallels are unavoidable and grim.

One man bravely and boldly spoke up in 1933 to warn the German church of the impending doom from the Nazi regime. His name was Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The majority of the church of his time chose not to listen or take action, therefore Hitler continued his reign of terror, death, and destruction. For the last 100 years, Marxism and communism has continued to evolve and spread throughout nations, slowly and silently infiltrating America.

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