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Lia Thomas Has Exposed The Fallacy Of The LGBTQ Narrative

By John Green

There are actually a few animals in nature that display sequential hermaphroditism – the ability to switch from male to female, or vice versa.  Clownfish are a prime example.  They school around a dominant female.  When the female dies, the dominant male changes sexes to become the dominant female.  Maybe Adam Schiff has hermaphroditism (in addition to his clownfishyness).  He’ll have to wait a bit longer for his big switch.  San Fran Nan just announced she has no intention of giving up her dominant female throne anytime soon.  Regardless, the LGBTQ movement has decided that adding humans to the list of hermaphroditic species is a matter of lobbying, not science.  Perhaps our “Wise Latina” can weigh in on the subject.

Guys competing in girls’ sports is becoming a real thing.  Lia Thomas is all over the news these days.  I will gladly call him by his chosen name.  But I will not call him by his chosen pronouns – it defies science (see definition of “male”)…

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