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Liberal media goes into meltdown mode after Biden drops out: Van Jones cries on air, Jen Psaki struggles for words

By Ronny Reyes


CNN’s Van Jones broke into tears on Sunday as he delivered an emotional reaction to the news that President Joe Biden was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race.

The senior political commentator said he was heartbroken over the decision and compared the Democrats’ situation to taking the car keys away from a relative who has become too old to drive.

“He’s fighting and he’s fighting and everybody’s so frustrated. And then you finally get the keys back. And then you just cry,” Jones said on the verge of breaking down live on TV.

President Biden announced that he is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday.Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images
CNN political analyst Van Jones cried on air while discussing Biden.CNN

“Because this is somebody that you love. This is somebody that you care about,” the former Obama adviser added.

“This is somebody who was there for you. This is somebody you wouldn’t be here without him. And you had to take something from him.”

Jones slammed the recent media coverage that he claimed has painted Biden as “some problem for the party.”

“I don’t know anything about politics. I just know that I love this man, I care about this man,” he said.

Along with Jones, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), also appeared distraught over the news live on the air, with the co-chair for the Biden-Harris campaign breaking down on CBS.

“The folks in Delaware who’ve been texting me and calling me in the last few hours, all want me to say to Joe Biden, how much we love him, how much we admire and respect his service and how grateful we all are for the decisions he’s made over decades in his service and his tireless loyalty to our home state of Delaware,” Coons said as he stopped to sob for a few seconds before composing himself…


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