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Liberals Have a Squeal-Fest Over Univision Interviewing Trump

By Bob Hoge

The usually left-leaning Spanish-language network Univision is feeling the liberal heat from “celebrities” and the corporate press for having the temerity to host former President Donald Trump for an interview.

Remember when leftists had a whiny meltdown over the fact that CNN hosted a town hall with Trump in May and actually let the 45th president speak? The backlash within the network was so bad that veteran correspondent Christiane Amanpour unleashed a blistering critique of her employers, which was quickly applauded by staffers on social media in what was basically an open rebellion.

While other CNN personalities such as Anderson Cooper, Oliver Darcy, and Jake Tapper also cried leftist tears over the event, Amanpour’s speech was probably the most high-profile critique and helped cause the downfall of then-network CEO Chris Licht.

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