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llegal Alien Migrant Released by Biden Sexually Assaulted 14-Year-Old Girl

Cops shot, toddlers murdered and a migrant monster covered in blood.

Again, remember that the so-called Border Deal that Biden and the media have been hyping would not have actually detained more than a handful of the illegal alien migrant invaders. This is all on Biden who insisted on keeping the border open and blocked any measures to stop the mass release of the invaders.

On the heels of Laken Riley being murdered so brutally that her skull was disfigured by an illegal alien migrant whom Biden released, there’s another horrific crime by another one of Joe’s migrant monsters.

More information was released after a man who crossed the border illegally was arrested for sex crimes against a 14-year-old girl in Campbell County in Virginia, officials said.

According to the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office, 32-year-old Renzo Mendoza Montes was arrested on February 22. Montes is charged with carnal knowledge of a child without force and one felony charge of taking indecent liberties with a child.

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