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Locals In Maui Are Saying Death Toll Is Around 480, Believe Authorities Are Underplaying Number Of Deaths

 Anthony T

The federal government and local authorities in Maui have stated the total number of deaths from the deadly fires that razed through the island is 111, locals of Maui however believe that number is much higher.

An investigative report by the Daily Mail has revealed the death toll in Maui is much closer to 480.

One local resident of Maui who has been helping with relief efforts told the Daily Mail “’I know there are at least 480 dead here in Maui and I don’t understand why they’re [the authorities] not saying that. Maybe it’s to do with DNA or something.”

Morgues on the island have also confirmed they have ran out of body bags which is more proof the 111 death toll by authorities is extremely underestimated.

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