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LOL: Tucker Hilariously Shreds Cackling Kamala Harris, Dem Leadership [WATCH]


As Vice President, Cackling Kamala Harris is next in line for the presidency if Joe Biden is somehow debilitated, as looks somewhat possible given not only his very evident senility, but also his obvious frailty and multiple recent Covid diagnoses.

While Democrats might think that’s good news, as at least she doesn’t have a brain that seems to be losing what few remaining cells it has by the minute, but she has her problems too.

Namely, Kamala is just horrible, with everything she says being some absurd distillation of an unpopular talking point and her charisma being at about the same level as Jerry Nadler’s.

Such is what Tucker used as a lead-in for ripping her apart during his show, hammering her for merely mouthing recycled talking points and offering nothing of value. In his words…



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