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LOL! Viral Video Shows Empty Bud Light Stand At Packed Fenway Park In Boston [VIDEO]

By 100percentfedup

As Bud Light’s sales continue to be in freefall due to an advertising debacle involving transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, a viral video emerged at Fenway Park in Boston showing a Bud Light beer stand empty while the stand next to it had long lines.

The video is yet another instance of consumers showing their dissatisfaction with Bud Light as their sales have plummeted over the last month.

The headache for the beer giant began after their aired an advertisement with Dylan Mulvaney where she was in a bath tub enjoying a can of Bud Light.

The advertisement has created a PR nightmare where the company has constantly waffled from defending their decision to issuing an apology to its consumers in a desperate attempt to appease consumers on both sides of the aisle.

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