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LOOMER: Alex Soros Tweet Is A Direct Threat Of Assassination To President Trump

@AlexanderSoros is the son of @georgesoros. His post tonight is a direct threat of violence against President Trump. If you look closely at the photo in the @TheAtlantic article Alex Soros posted tonight, there is a call for assassination embedded in the pictures. Not only does one of the pictures have a single bullet hole through glass, and not only is $47 of cash seen, but there’s messaging conveyed through the arrangement of the money. While some of the bills are upside down with obfuscated writing, “States of America” is legible on one of the bills. On another bill, the finger is covering the face of the US President. And on another bill, the words “silver certificate” are legible. The $47 in cash is a reference to the 47th President of the United States Of America (Donald Trump). Silver Bullet= simple guaranteed solution for a difficult problem =certificate Alex Soros is conveying that “the silver bullet” for $47 is death and that a financial award will be paid to the person who does it. This is a threat against the life of President Trump. The son of George Soros and

@TheAtlantic are suggesting they will give an award to whoever kills 47 because the other legible text on the bottom bill with the President’s face on it says “will pay to the bearer on demand”. Aka a paid hit man. This assassination threat needs to be taken very seriously.

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