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Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, and Gender Queer? Pornographic Books Increase In Libraries Across America, But Not If Republican Rep. Neil Friske Has A Say!

By Joe Earl


Books such as Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are all masterpieces of children’s literature. In America, regardless of which library one visited as a child or adolescent, one would find books such as these stocked and in high demand. For years they presented children with the opportunity to escape and enter a magical world, often involving traditional myths and magical creatures. Furthermore, they also created an outlet for the creative part of the brain and increased language, emotional, and cognitive skills. However, if one went to the local public library today, the odds have increased that one would come across a new genre, children/teen graphic novels, a.k.a. pornographic grooming propaganda. 

So one may ask, how have books such as Cheer Up: Love and Pompons, Welcome to St. Hell: My Trans Teen Misadventure and Gender Queer increased tenfold, become extremely explicit, and readily accessible to our youth within such a short period?  Mainly under the hardcover Trojan horse of support and learning. Authors like Maia Kobabe, who published Gender Queer: A Memoir, claim books such as this “help others who struggle with gender identity to feel less alone.” Advocates additionally say this type of genre are heartfelt stories, empowering, examples of acceptance, important for young people who are discovering their identity, a guide for parents who have a child whose gender identity they wish to better understand, and for everyday people who want to learn more. More? More of what? The previous description of  these books should be the most alarming. They claim to be teaching, and this most certainly cannot be denied. It just so happens to be programming through sexually explicit words, pornographic images, and under the guise of helping children. This may seem like a far cry from reality, but as they say, “the proof is in the pudding.” It just so happens that the truth about these books is right in front of our faces and worse for the youth of America. 






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