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Maddow Suggests GOP Akin to 1930s French Fascist Movement

By Kevin Tober


On Monday night, MSNBC’s The Last Word host Lawrence O’Donnell took a break from hyperventilating over former President Donald Trump and his scheduled arraignment on Tuesday to bring on Rachel Maddow and discuss her new podcast on the 1930s French fascist movement. The topic was completely random yet fit in perfectly with MSNBC’s narrative that Republicans are anti-democratic fascists.

After mentioning that right wing factions in France stormed parliament and overthrew the government, Maddow couldn’t help but compare it to the riots on January 6.

She then noted that “there was another really interesting reaction in this sort of, just the first few years after that happened, which is that all of the people on the left, and all of the people in the center, who had all sorts of differences with each other, who are always fighting each other like cats and dogs, finally realized, like oh, wait actually, there is an authoritarian fascist threat that wants to destroy all of us…


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