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Mainstream Media is asking you NOT to believe your eyes! Because everything you see is fake…

Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for January 17, 2024…

USA Today is saying that those mattresses you saw at the synagogue tunnels do not exist. They also said the tunnels weren’t connected to anything & were just beside the building. So the person exiting through the sewer & those climbing inside the tunnels to keep it from being filled in are another deception. The more lies that come out, the more it makes me believe they were used for something nefarious. This is another example of why the media is completely compromised.

The DOJ and FBI have since shied away from Biden’s laptop contents, with IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley confirming the authenticity of the laptop during testimony to Congress in June 2023… We were right again

The devil rules our world…

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