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Major Win: Bill Gates-Funded GMO Mosquito Project Withdrawn in Key US States

By Michelle Toole


Forget about reality TV drama, avocado toast obsessions, and what celebrity wore it best. We’re about to dive into a different sort of buzz: genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes. What sounds like a script from a sci-fi blockbuster is a reality in sunny Florida. Residents have reported being tricked into allowing these lab-grown insects onto their land, creating a swarm of controversy.


The Controversial Mosquito Experiment

The GM mosquito experiment has been ongoing for years now, and it recently culminated in the release of these lab-created insects in Florida. However, this release did not come without its fair share of controversy. The insects were funded by a $4.1 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This raised lots of questions about the possible health and environmental effects that may result. Activists have voiced concerns about the potential risks associated with genetically modified organisms, particularly when released into the wild.

Conflicting Claims and Tricked Residents

Oxitec, the British company that created the mosquitoes, insists that these insects are safe. However, Florida residents have previously claimed that they were tricked into allowing workers onto their property to release the experimental mosquitoes, further claiming that they are being subjected to “terrorism.”

This, of course, further adds fuel to the controversy surrounding them. It’s understandable that some people may have reservations about releasing these genetically modified creatures into the environment without fully understanding the potential consequences.

California Withdrawal

On May 17, 2023, Oxitec made a surprising announcement: they are withdrawing their application to release billions of genetically engineered mosquitoes in California. This decision came after rising concerns about these insects’ health and environmental effects…

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