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‘Malicious Prosecution’: Lawyers for Dr. Meryl Nass Allege Maine Medical Board Violated Nass’ First Amendment Rights

Children’s Health Defense is funding a lawsuit filed by Dr. Meryl Nass, a Maine physician and outspoken critic of official COVID-19 policies, who alleges the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine engaged in “retaliatory conduct” when it suspended her medical license. Attorneys for Nass last week argued that the court should not grant the board’s motion to dismiss.

Lawyers for Dr. Meryl Nass, a biological warfare expert and outspoken critic of official COVID-19 policies, responded to attempts to dismiss a federal lawsuit Nass filed against the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine (BOLIM) for what she alleged was “retaliatory conduct.”

Nass, an internal medicine physician and member of the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) scientific advisory committee, sued the board in August 2023, alleging violations of her First Amendment rights and her rights under the Maine Constitution by using their power to “crush dissenting views and chill disfavored speech.”

The BOLIM suspended Nass’ license on Jan. 12, 2022, for spreading COVID-19 “misinformation,” for improperly prescribing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and for improper record-keeping.

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