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Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces more articles of impeachment against Biden

Republican firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced a fresh slate of impeachment articles against President Joe Biden on Friday.

The three resolutions levied by the congresswoman from Georgia are “dereliction of duty” for Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan situation, another for the “border crisis,” and a third for “usurping congressional authority and ignoring judicial authority of the Supreme Court” for the Biden administration’s eviction moratorium during the coronavirus pandemic.

“In seven short months, Joe Biden has caused America to lose the respect of the entire world. The evidence is clear and his actions are so egregious that he must be impeached,” Greene said in a statement.

Republicans are in the minority in Congress, so any effort to impeach Biden faces long odds. A prior set of impeachment articles filed by Greene on Jan. 21, one day after Biden’s inauguration, have gone nowhere. Those focused on alleged “corrupt actions” related to Biden’s diplomacy with Ukraine as vice president and his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.

Still, calls are growing on the Right for Biden to be impeached, including by conservative commentator Mark Levin, who also floated the use of the 25th Amendment, Dan Bongino, and Jenna Ellis, a senior legal adviser to former President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who could become speaker in 2023 if Republicans win control of the lower chamber in next year’s midterm elections, told Fox News this week he is open to the idea.

“If Biden takes an illegal action, we would move impeachment,” the California Republican said. “But we’re not going to move impeachment for political purposes.”

Trump was twice impeached by a Democratic-controlled House, once in relation to Ukraine and another to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, but acquitted both times by a GOP-led Senate. In her press release Friday, Greene acknowledged a general lack of appetite to initiate more divisive impeachment proceedings but argued the “safety and security of the country and the American people” is at stake.

“We are a nation in distress. Our foreign allies and even our own citizens can no longer trust our government in the hands of Joe Biden. It’s the duty of Congress to hold the president accountable when he puts our nation at risk and ignores the rule of law,” she said.

“Currently, our government is illegitimate because it is no longer serving its citizens. We have to restore respect for America in order for our allies and our citizens to trust the government,” Greene added. “Joe Biden must be impeached, tried in the Senate, convicted, and removed from office.”

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