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Marxist Loser King’s Birthday

Real News and History Real News and History

By Real News and History


The Holy Day of St. King was observed yesterday. This year, the Monday holiday actually fell on the exact date of his birth, January 15th. Though your pissed-off reporter here didn’t realize it until arriving at a closed Post Office! In dishonor of this clown, the “Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times would like to today convey all due disrespect for the holiest of holy icons of the “social justice” crowd by re-running our annual “tribute” for the benefit of any newbies still not informed about this fraud.
With the possible exception of comrade Einstein, the “Reverend” “Dr.” Martin Luther King — whom we non-affectionately like to refer to as the Irreverand Marxist Loser King — has got to be the most puffed-up charlatan of the past 100 years. We can think of no higher (or would that be “lower?”) honor to bestow upon this bellowing Bolshevik bum than to judge him according to the very standards he himself set forth in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech of August, 1963.
Preaching poetic and pious platitudes penned for him by his Communist handler / ventriloquist, Stanley Levison, (cough cough) the man born “Michael King” (uggggh!) thundered before the quarter-million-strong mob of commies, libtards, anti-Whites and other assorted well-intentioned dupes of every stripe:
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Judged by the “content of character,” eh Marty? Amen to that preacher! Let us do exactly that with a bullet point review of your Red resume.
St. Sugar: “Man of God, my asss! I don’t ssmell that dirty red-rat-basstard anywhere up here!”
Plagiarized as much as 1/3 of his doctoral thesis at Boston College, including punctuation errors!
Attended the Highlander Folk School, a communist-front training academy in Tennessee
Had adulterous sex with countless women and engaged in orgies with white prostitutes whom he used to “get rough” with (First Lady Jackie Kennedy was disgusted by MLK’s sexual perversion, and referred to him as a “terrible” man.) Recorded on FBI tape laughing as he looked on while a fellow pastor raped a parishioner (here)

1. A FAKE “scholar” — New York Times, October 11, 1991: “Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King” (here) // 2. King attended communist training school // 3. The Daily Mail (UK): “Jackie Kennedy hated Martin Luther King so much she could barely look at photographs of him.” In interviews taped in 1964 but only just released, she said the black civil rights leader was a ‘terrible man’ and a ‘phony.'” She claimed King bragged of being drunk at her husband John F Kennedy’s funeral and had been caught trying to set up an orgy. (here)
Accused Senator Barry Goldwater, the great conservative and 1964 candidate for president, and his followers of “Hitlerism” ℱ — thus helping to elect that thoroughly vile monster, Lyndon Baines Johnson
Openly associated with known Communists (who incited riots while King played the role of “good cop”) even after President Kennedy had told him to cut the Reds loose
Agitated in favor of the power-grabbing Civil Rights Act of 1964 which, in time, essentially mandated discrimination against millions of White college applicants and job applicants and candidates for promotion — and has since been expanded to “protect” sodomites, bull-dykes and cross-dressers who demand “equality ℱ”
Agitated in favor of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which guaranteed penniless illiterates and morons the “right” to bloc-vote for Communist Democrats — These “rights” have since been extended to include illiterate newly-arrived aliens (legal and illegal), convicts and dead people.
1. The honorable patriot Barry Goldwater was slandered by the beast MLK: “We see danger signs of Hitlerism in the candidacy of Mr. Goldwater.” (King was referring to the “evil” Hitler of Marxist mythology, not the real one that we all know and love.) 2. 1964: LBJ signs the Civil Rights Atrocity with MLK at his side 3.1965: LBJ signs the Voting Rights Atrocity, again, with MLK at his side
In 1964, Marxist Loser King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize AND named Time Magazine Man of the Year. Those two “honors” ALONE prove that he was an agent of the NWO Globalists.
KING’S “DREAM” COME TRUEThe awake Whites warned back then that if King’s REAL “dream” was ever fully realized, the day would come when pussified brainwashed Whites would voluntarily kneel, crawl and kiss the feet of Black Communists.
And so, boys and girls, whether one chooses to judge Marxist Loser King according to his shocking personal vices (prostitute-mongering, serial adultery, sex orgies, slander, plagiarism, devious demagoguery, conspiring with known Communist Party members, drunkenness, etc — all while pretending to be religious), or just by his critical public pressure role in helping to pass two of the absolute worst anti-White / pro-Communist laws in American history, there is no reason to honor this filthy Marxist swine just because he was made a martyr by an assassin’s bullet. To the contrary, he merits the contempt of all decent Americans, of all colors and creeds.

Black lives matter? Yes — but so does truth…


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