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‘Mary Poppins’ Gets PG Rating for ‘Discriminatory Language’



A spoonful of wokeness makes the viewership go down. Disney’s beloved classic about a magical British nanny is not woke enough for the highly enlightened and exceedingly stultified British Board of Film Classification.

The film board decided to change the classification of “Mary Poppins” from U (universal), meaning the movie did not contain any “material likely to offend or harm,” to PG (parental guidance). And no, it’s not because the chimney sweeps have soot on their faces. You see, the term “Hottentots” is used twice in the film, as MRCTV reported. Hottentot was, until very recently, an entirely acceptable colloquial and academic term for the South African Khoekhoe people. But the British board claims the name is “discriminatory,” so “Mary Poppins” is no longer rated as safe for young kids.

“It is worth noting that this term was still being used formally in academia nearly two decades after the release of Mary Poppins,” MRCTV explained. “In addition, the word itself was used exactly twice throughout the entire movie.” But no level of historical ignorance and silliness is too great for modern radical leftists.

MRCTV quoted a British Board of Film Classification spokesperson pontificating, “We understand from our racism and discrimination research, and recent classification guidelines research, that a key concern for people, parents in particular, is the potential to expose children to discriminatory language or behavior which they may find distressing or repeat without realizing the potential offense.” Whatever, lefty. Go fly a kite and leave all of us sane people alone with a totally innocuous Disney movie.

“Mary Poppins” might not be the only victim of this new self-righteous film censorship. Amazon Prime mystifyingly claims the 1940s family classic “Life with Father” contains “substance abuse” and “foul language.” With no serious swearing in the movie, one cannot help but wonder if one character’s use of the word “Hottentot” was the culprit…


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