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Masked Criminal Emboldened By Ridiculous CA Shoplifting Law, Walks Behind Pharmacy Counter, Fills His Arms With Prescription Drugs and Walks Away [VIDEO]

By Patty McMurray

In the state of California, shoplifting is described as the act of entering an open business and intending to take items that total less than $950. In the past, what was considered shoplifting, was actually identified as burglary in the eyes of the law. This meant that prosecutors could charge it as a felony offense. Nowadays, shoplifting is its own thing and is a misdemeanor offense.

As a misdemeanor offense, a person being charged with shoplifting can face no more than 6 months in jail, a fine no larger than $1,000, or some combination of both. However, if a person has been charged with certain convictions in the past, the shoplifting offense could be charged as a felony instead of a misdemeanor. This would carry much steeper penalties.


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