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Matt Gaetz Points to the Real Insurrection

by NOQ Report

WASHINGTON — There’s an insurrection happening right now. It’s not the one you may have heard about through mainstream media who echoes the talking points of Democrats. They believe the mostly peaceful protests that included some people parading through the Capitol Building at the behest of local law enforcement was the insurrection. Or, to be more accurate, they know it was NOT an insurrection but they have a narrative to sell so they’re pretending like they think it was an insurrection.

But a true insurrection is defined as “the act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.” We’ve seen many instances of this in the last two years, and the January 6 protests were not one of them. Antifa and Black Lives Matter have engaged in far worse activities that qualify more as “insurrections” than parading through the Capitol Building.


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