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May 2023 Air Force Solicitation for a Training Program Proves Technology-facilitated Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault: Electromagnetic Rape & Electronic Harassment

By  Ramola D 

A recent Defense/Air Force solicitation found at Sam.Gov, an official website of the US Government–System for Award Management–dated May 2023 and closed currently which suggests the contract has been awarded–reveals the Air Force has been interested in the “prevention of cyber harassment and technology facilitated sexual harassment and sexual assault”, proving what thousands of whistleblowers and reporting victims of Military and Police and Intelligence crime–dismissed by such criminally and fraudulently acting Media as The New York TimesThe Washington Post, Wired, The Daily Beast and the unlawfully-acting FBI and friends as Mentally Ill “Targeted Individuals”–have been reporting for decades now: electromagnetic rape and intimate, invasive, beyond-harassive assault and battery of their human bodies with remote-access Radio Frequency and Ultrasonic/Infrasound/ELF/Sonic technologies of various kinds.

[Note: The word “victim” here is being used in the general current plain-English sense of “victim” and not in the depleted sense in which it appears to be used in human rights law nor in Luciferian, human-sacrifice-centric visions of that word, as described here at the University of Pittsburgh’s Keywords Project, a larger subject for discussion another day given the peculiarity in conception of “victim rights” and “victim status” in failed “law” systems. Those harmed by crime have fallen prey to criminals: the criminality here addressed (above) is military, police, intelligence, medical, and private sector crime.]

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