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Media Attacks Mastriano Over “Confederate Uniform” Photo


CBS News is repeating a story first published by Reuters attempting to smear Doug Mastriano, the Republican candidate for governor in Pennsylvania. It appears that Mastriano, who retired from the U.S. Army with the rank of colonel, committed what CBS considers the grave sin of posing in a faculty photo at the Army War College as a Confederate soldier.

Three years before Mastriano retired — after serving in 30 years in Europe, Iraq, and Afghanistan — the faculty at the Department of Military Strategy, Plans and Operations of the Army War College were given the option of donning clothes for a photograph depicting some historical figure. Mastriano opted to wear a Confederate army uniform.

While this may seem like a non-story to most reasonable people, Mastriano’s Democrat opponent Josh Shapiro, and the left-wing media that see this as an opportunity to help the Shapiro campaign, have pounced on this as though it means that Mastriano is a racist. Shapiro accused Mastriano of wearing “the uniform of traitors who fought to defend slavery.” Shapiro added that the photograph was “deeply offensive,” and that Mastriano is “unfit to be governor.”…

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