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Meet the New Judge, Same as the Old Judge

By Janet Phelan


Following a series of articles discussing both her questionable financial transactions as well as her freewheeling execution of Illinois law (pun intended), Cook County Judge Shauna Boliker was summarily banished from her position on the probate court bench in Daley Center to a lesser position as a judge hearing pretrial motions in criminal court..

According to retired attorney Ken Ditkowsky, this constitutes a significant demotion for Boliker. “She is no longer in control of cases,” he explained in a conversation this week. “She is in a dead spot.”

Those who had been inflicted with Boliker’s peculiar brand of justice heaved a sigh of relief, as we waited to see who would take over her pivotal probate court cases.

Last week, we had the opportunity of seeing Associate Judge Amee Alonso wield her gavel in a former Boliker case and we are here to inform you that there doesn’t appear to be any improvement.

Judge Amee Alonso appears on the far right

Alonso was sitting on a case involving the estate of Albert Campasano, who recently expired under a guardianship that was fraught with fraudulent judicial decisions. As Albert was married (a sitting circuit court judge married Albert Campasano and his longtime girlfriend, Sophia Pasko, in August of 2021), Illinois law would ostensibly protect the marital property, which is also Sophia’s, from seizure by the guardian, which was listed as Midwest Care Management.

But not in Boliker’s court, which saw not only the forced seizure and sale of a home by the guardian but also the taking of Sophia’s personal property, such as a laptop and a car. In addition, the guardian applied for (and received) an “Order of Protection” against Sophia Campasano in March of this year, barring her from contact with her husband. For those who do not yet know this, these Restraining Orders are regularly issued in guardianship court proceedings, in order to bar potentially protective family from oversight as to the well-being of their loved ones. In the petition for Protective Orders, Sophia was accused of no act of overtly harming her husband, only of trying repeatedly to check in on him in the home in which the guardian had placed him…


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