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Meet The New Taliban ‘Special Forces Look’: American Car, American Weapons, American Costume


Over the past days there have been reports that the Taliban is attempting to implement some degree of greater disciplined uniformity in terms of the appearance of its forces as it prepares to “govern” war-torn Afghanistan.

There are suggestions the group could move to the look of a more professional military as part of its bid for “legitimacy” both at home and abroad. This as opposed to their typical rag-tag appearance as bearded jihadists from the mountains wearing Islamist garb. And they have a little bit of help after inheriting some $80+ million in military equipment after the US and Western coalition troop exit. “Meet the new Taliban teams, American car, American weapons, American costume,” one journalist observes of a photo showing Taliban militants sporting the look of special forces.

The Taliban is also taking advantage of the ample supply of now disbanded Afghan national army uniforms, also of course previously supplied at the expense of US taxpayers.

More photos and video footage have confirmed of late that the Islamists of the internationally recognized terror organization are increasingly going around while uniformed…

There’s footage that even shows a newly unveiled “Taliban Special Forces Unit”

And yes they are outfitted with night vision googles and advanced sighting technology on their American-made rifles.

One Fox News pundit quipped this weekend over the disastrous events of the past week:

Joe Biden gave the Taliban military weapons. Not “military style” or “assault weapons” he gave them select fire rifles, drones, up armored vehicles and an assortment of munitions.

Meanwhile, apparently the Taliban are already preparing for winter ‘Arctic warfare’ type training, which is something typically only the world’s most advanced militaries are equipped for.

And there’s little doubt that the Taliban is still trying to figure out how to get those Black Hawks airborne.


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