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Megyn Kelly Absolutely Destroys Megan Rapinoe: ‘She’s Poisoned the Entire Team Against the Country’

By Daniel


Talk about a wake-up call!

We’ve all been thinking it, muttering it under our breaths, perhaps even voicing it to friends and family in the safety of our homes.

But leave it to the fearless Megyn Kelly to shout it from the rooftops: If you’re on the American team, you represent America.

Plain and simple.

Megan Rapinoe’s recent antics?

Nothing short of a slap in the face to every patriot in this country.

Women’s soccer, a sport that should be about unity, teamwork, and representing our nation, has been hijacked by one woman’s agenda.

And Megyn Kelly is calling it out, loud and clear.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s put this into perspective…


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