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Memo to the Media, the Judge, and the Attorneys on the Ghislaine Maxwell Case: Trump Isn’t on Trial

by Scott Hounsell

There are several issues I have with the criminal justice system, but among the more frustrating things is when people not connected to cases get dragged into testimony or even testifying, simply to serve as a giant target for the attorneys and the media.

Just this week, during the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, the alleged “Number 2” in the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile sex ring which victimized numerous girls for several decades, we got another look at what I believe is gross prosecutorial misconduct, which should have earned the prosecutor an immediate benching from the trial and firing from the DOJ.

On Wednesday, during testimony from one of Epstein’s victims, defense Attorney Laura Menninger questioned the woman known in court as “Jane,” about an encounter with Donald Trump in the 1990s at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. Menninger asked specifically about Epstein introducing Jane to Trump, referring to language that Epstein used during the introduction allegedly questioning “This is a good one, right?”…

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