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Meta Threatens To Remove All News Content On Facebook If Congress Passes Journalism Competition And Preservation Act

Meta Threatens To Remove All News Content On Facebook If Congress Passes Journalism Competition And Preservation Act
Meta Threatens To Remove All News Content On Facebook If Congress Passes Journalism Competition And Preservation Act

by Jacob M. Thompson


“Put simply, the government creating a cartel-like entity which requires one private company to subsidize other private entities is a terrible precedent for all American businesses.”

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta said in a statement earlier this week that Facebook will simply remove all news content off of the social media platform is Congress decides to pass the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA).

The WinePress has reported on the JCPA before – a bill that will radically transform how media and news is shared and promoted on social media websites.

In short, the bill is touted as granting more equity and freedom for news to be shared and get adequate compensation that is usually squandered by much larger outlets. The bill is touted as uplifting and supporting local journalism, but in reality, it does the opposite and actually will lock-out a lot of independent creators and journalists, but guaranteeing much larger outlets get promoted exclusively, granting them total immunity from antitrust laws and creating a ‘news cartel’ in the process to buoy those ‘they’ want seen.



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