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Mika Brzezinski claims Trump is pushing antimalarial drug as COVID treatment because of ‘financial ties’

(TNS) When more people tune in to watch old cartoons than watch your morning ‘news’ show, you have to do and say outrageously stupid things in order to ‘get noticed.’

Enter Joe Scarborough and wife Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC.

On Monday, Brzezinski actually suggested that the reason why President Donald Trump is pushing anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a possibly effective treatment for coronavirus — you know, the pandemic that has 9/10ths of our country in shutdown mode — because of a “financial tie.”

Meanwhile, her parrot husband kept asking on the show why the president would push “an unproven drug” as a potential cure for a disease that has been successfully treated with it, according to a growing number of doctors.

In reference to an “unscheduled” Sunday coronavirus news conference with the president and members of his task force, Brzezinski then claimed that the president was censoring his chief medical advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“Dr. Fauci wasn’t allowed to talk about what he feels is important to say about this drug that the president keeps pushing. A lot of people would say, follow the money. There’s got to be some sort of financial tie to someone somewhere that has the president pushing this repeatedly.”

The parrot husband agreed, even going so far as to claim that the drug is ineffective, though he failed to disclose the body of medical experimentation he’d done to prove that statement — or mention the armload of evidence that hydroxychloroquine is actually effective, according to anecdotal evidence, at least.


“We’re in a crisis, and he’s continuing for, what, the third week now, to push an unproven drug,” Scarborough yipped.

“Why is MSNBC, why is CNN, why is FOX, why is any network running these press conferences where he keeps talking about an unproven drug that might work for malaria, might work for Lupus, doesn’t work for this?”

Scarborough then whined that Fauci “wasn’t even allowed” to answer questions or provide his expertise on the efficacy of the malaria drug, while Trump just “likes the good ratings” that the news conferences offer him.


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  1. Jimmy Jimmy April 7, 2020

    It’s time to pull the pin on this grenade. It’s time to indict every filthy Marxist scumbag in media and government and begin the tribunals. And while those are happening, we begin the largest municipal “shovel ready” work project in our history – building the gallows and digging the trenches where these traitor scum will be hanged on and ultimately deposited into – and then covered over like a cat covering a turd. A grim reality but wholly necessary if we are to preserve and restore this Republic.

    • Methos Methos April 7, 2020

      Agree 100%

  2. John W John W April 7, 2020

    Pathetic! Both of these Big Time losers! And to think that He was a Senator at one time! Makes you feel real good that someone like him actually had a role in running our Government! The Hate Spewing derelict’s deserve each other! Neither one has an ounce of truthfulness in them! Dumb and Dumber! Why would anyone care what they think or say???????

  3. Methos Methos April 7, 2020

    Wish we could resurrect senator Joseph McCarthy and deal with these commies once and for all !

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