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Ministers ‘dragging feet’ on forcing killers to court as Lucy Letby to skip sentencing

By Archie Mitchell

Calls for change come as senior doctor calls for hospital executives who failed to act on concerns about Letby to be investigated for corporate manslaughter…

Ministers have been accused of “dragging their feet” over laws to force killers into the dock as Lucy Letby refuses to appear in court for her sentencing.

The serial killer nurse is set to be sentenced today from 10am at Manchester Crown Court, and could be handed a rare whole-life order by judge Mr Justice Goss. Only three women have ever previously received whole-life sentences in the UK – serial killers Myra Hindley, Rose West and Joanna Dennehy.

But Letby has said she will not attend Monday’s hearing, which follows her convictions for the murder of seven babies and the attempted murder of six others, prompting renewed calls for those guilty of heinous crimes to be dragged to court to face justice in person…


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