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Minnesota Anti-Gunners Make Another Run At Mandatory Storage, Reporting

By Tom Knighton

Mandatory storage and mandatory reporting laws are mostly just ways to try and penalize people who find out they’re victims. Both generally involve people being penalized for someone taking their property and misusing it, but anti-gunners love these laws, probably because of how much riskier and more expensive it makes just being a gun owner.

Minnesota’s anti-gunners in the legislature, which supposedly have a modest agenda this year, tried to pass those last year. They were unsuccessful. So, as part of that modest agenda, they’re making another run at it this year.

Gun safety advocates are urging the state legislature to pass two measures this year that would implement new rules for firearms owners on how to secure their guns and what to do if they go missing.

Protect Minnesota, a local group working to end gun violence, hosted a news conference Wednesday to outline its legislative agenda, which includes a safe storage law and a mandatory reporting requirement for lost or stolen guns. The two proposals were tabled last year as the focus became expanding background checks and implementing a “red flag” law—both of which cleared the DFL-controlled capitol after a years-long effort.

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