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MIRACLE! VA Police Officers Revive Newborn Baby With No Heartbeat


As the news seems increasingly full of crisis and catastrophe, it’s good to remember that there are still stories of hope and joy. For instance, when two police officers responded to a call, their quick actions revived a lifeless baby and prevented a family from suffering irreparable heartache.

The police department in the city of Alexandria, Virginia (APD), shared the story of Officers Hiltz and Reilly and how they saved an infant’s life. “It’s this kind of call, getting to help baby Luis and his family, that makes this job so rewarding and worth it,” Hiltz said after.

Just after midnight, the Alexandria Police Department’s June 10 Facebook post explained that a “frantic call” was made to the 9-1-1 hotline and officers went to the apartment in response. It seems providential that they did, considering what occurred:

A newborn baby was lifeless when an Alexandria woman suddenly gave birth. APD Officers Hiltz and Reilly entered an apartment in the 3800 block of Executive Avenue, rushing to locate the baby. They found a newborn not breathing and without a heartbeat. As first responders, their training immediately kicked in, and without hesitation, Officer Hiltz began performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) while Officer Reilly managed to keep the family calm. After two rounds of CPR Officer Hiltz located a pulse and the baby began to “fuss”, as Officer Hiltz described it. The sound of a newborn baby crying could be heard throughout the home.

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